Riga Technical University’s Institute of Energy Systems and Environment
The Institute of Energy Systems and Environment (IESE) was established in 2008 under the wing of Riga Technical University (RTU), the oldest technical university in Baltics.
The main research directions of the ISES are Energy efficiency, Production and use of renewable energy resources, Fuel combustion technologies, Climate technology solutions, Eco-design and Life cycle Assessment, Socio-economic aspects of energy planning and energy supply. The Institute has 5 laboratories: Environmental monitoring laboratory, Biosystems laboratory, Combustion Research laboratory, Building Energy Efficiency laboratory, and Solar Energy System laboratory.
Their role in PESCO-UP
RTU's IESE will be responsible for environmental impact assessment and dynamic life cycle assessment development based on the system dynamics (SD) modelling. This approach will utilize the SD model to analyse potential changes in resource flow to landfills. Specifically, the SD model will be designed to evaluate the dynamics of resource accumulation in landfills under both the 'business as usual' scenario and the proposed adaptation of the PESCO-UP technology.
The development process involves group model building sessions and input from PESCO-UP partners. This collaborative effort is essential for constructing a comprehensive SD model that incorporates crucial factors such as collection and processing locations, quantities, shipping distances, and whether waste is managed near collection points or shipped. The model aims to quantify various carbon footprint and cost implications associated with the proposed PESCO-UP technology. By leveraging PESCO-UP partner insights, we enhance the accuracy and relevance of our dynamic assessments, ensuring a robust representation of the system's environmental impact.
More on RTU's IESE